
Personal Productivity: The general category for Personal power, getting more organized and more focused. Achieving more with less.

From Early Adopters to Laggards

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part3: Leaders Need a Following

Chapter 6 The Emergence of Trust Let’s say a soldier, why do they trust their life under the order of someone else? Because of the rank? Or something more? And why would someone trust us with their life? I feel it is more of the character of the leader than everything else. Especially when it […]

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Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part2: An Alternative Perspective

Chapter 3 The Golden Circle Simon illustrated the fact that “Living with WHY” is more important than “Surviving with WHAT” by how Apple set itself apart from other technology companies like Microsoft, Dell, etc. How people all over the world fell in love with Apple with such passion that they could be queuing overnight for […]

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Simon Sinek Start With Why

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part1: A World that Doesn’t Start with Why

Chapter 1 Assume You Know I was reminded by Tony Robbins’ teaching of the power of questioning and never assume. “Asking the right question to get to the right answer” – Tony Robbins While Simon Sinek is describing Adolf Hitler, he tried to misdirect the reader with little facts to assume that he is talking […]

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Making Decisions

After a long break from everything, I have come back to fight for everything I desire – My life, my success and my legacy. Remember the question in the last post where there are 10 birds on a tree, 3 decided to fly away. How many are left behind? Well the answer is 10. Decision […]

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