
Simon Sinek Start With Why

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part6: Discover Why

Chapter 13 The Origins Of A WHY Looking back, Steve Jobs said the firing him was the best thing that could have happened to him. I believe it’s because he got a chance to realign with his WHY and restart his WHY. When he came back to Apple, he restored Apple’s WHY with the “Think […]

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Simon Sinek Start With Why

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part 5: The Biggest Challenge is Success

Chapter 11 When WHY Goes Fuzzy While Simon showed some examples of products that contradict their company’s WHY and caused identity problems. I would like to touch more in-depth on the negative of Success & Growth. As more people are involved, opinions can grew apart and get divided. For some, especially the top management, when […]

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Simon Sinek Start With Why

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part4: How to Rally Those Who Believe

Chapter 8 Start With Why, But Know HOW & Chapter 9 Know WHY, Know How, Then WHAT? One leader with vision could not change the world; actions gets the result and make the changes. So a leader has to assemble a team – A team that knows HOW to bring his vision – the WHY […]

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From Early Adopters to Laggards

Simon Sinek’s Start With Why Part3: Leaders Need a Following

Chapter 6 The Emergence of Trust Let’s say a soldier, why do they trust their life under the order of someone else? Because of the rank? Or something more? And why would someone trust us with their life? I feel it is more of the character of the leader than everything else. Especially when it […]

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